Vicky Wall created the Color Essences (colorless, alcoholic solution), which can help to support the aura of the user. In addition to the color energies, each color essence contains the essences of trees, plants, crystals and minerals. Wicky Wall applied the science of the doctrine of signatures (signatura rerum) to determine the respective mixtures. The colors of the essences can be seen, for example, through Kirlian photography.

Hey... do you fancy a little game?

OK, good! Here we go: Relax... and concentrate on internalizing the following affirmation: “I now choose the most optimal Colour Essence for my well-being”... and then spontaneously click on the bottle that appeals to you.

The Colour-Essences help people to focus and can bring harmony and balance back. They help you to tune into the individual chakras better during meditation. The Colour-Essences center and facilitate contact with Mother Earth; which in turn helps to ground our body and to manifest our creative visions. The Aura-Soma Colour-Essences also support all plants and harmonize landscapes.

You can use the Color Essences to tune in before meditation or simply to become more aware of everything around you. These wonderful essences help you to become more environmentally conscious and to find easier access to the natural world.

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