One day, a customer visited me (this time without his wife) and asked me for advice: his son was driving him completely crazy! It was enough to make you tear your hair out!
Hmmm... I thought, judging by my customer's age, that he must be a son of a good 20 years old. Well... I was to be disappointed. But more about that later.
For a good 10 minutes, the father complained about his relationship with his son. This, that, this, that, etc., etc. If I remember correctly, the lamenting lasted only 3 minutes before I finally interrupted him and suggested that he try to resolve the matter in an unusual way.
“Write him a letter!“... ‘What, excuse me?”
I then gave him the flyer that describes this ritual and told him: ’Take this flyer home, read it carefully... and do the ritual!”
“Ritual?” he asked me, a bit surprised.
“Yes!”... don't be afraid. It's not black magic... it's white magic.
When he wanted to read the content, I forbade him to do so in my shop. “Go home... and action!”
He left my shop very skeptical, as did many other customers, and he left me with a mischievous smirk that he couldn't see.
A good month later, I had forgotten about his visit, he came into my shop grinning: “You won't believe what happened to me!”
“Really?”... what?
“The letter... the letter is really sensational. I did the ritual with my five-year-old son. And since then, everything has been fine. Unbelievable!”
“Great...” I replied, a little absent-mindedly.
“Wait, wait. The best is yet to come! I also did this ritual with my cat, who, when she's not in a good mood, doesn't do her business in her litter box but soils my apartment instead.”
“Hello!” I interrupted him. ”Why didn't you tell me you had problems with your cat? I would have sorted it out quickly. As you may not know, I am from Ticino. And what's better than polenta with cat!”
“Please... you can't be serious!”
“Maybe I am?”
Once I had calmed him down, he told me that just ONE DAY after he had done the “magic letter” ritual with his cat, the problem was solved. Everything was fine! And it has been like that for a good three weeks now.
>• The "Magic Letter"
>• Feedback * Asthma
>• Feedback * Alimonies
>• Feedback * Son & cat
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