Clove tea

Cloves were once worth more than gold. Well, how times change.

Drink this infusion before going to bed because it:

>• helps you relax...
>• promotes good sleep...
>• helps detoxify the liver...
>• acts as a natural sedative...
>• helps with digestive problems, bloating...
>• increases serotonin and melatonin levels...
>• it is recommended for lung mucus, colds, asthma...
>• it is excellent for breathing problems, coughs and bronchitis...

Clove water acts as a natural antibiotic. It improves cognition (perceptual and thought processes), memory and concentration, is effective for heart problems and blood circulation... and has immune-boosting properties because it is antimicrobial.

>• "Good Night" - Tea

>• Beneficial properties
>• Preparation


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