I decline any liability for the following information. I describe myself as “non-religious”, but I believe in God, Buddha, Allah, Manitou or whatever. Voilà.
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If you want to create a wonderful “elixir”, take a transparent glass bottle, fill it with water and seal it with a stopper. Then “radiate” the water with positive spiritual energy.
How is that done? It's quite simple: visualize and verbalize (pronounce):
“Now the divine powers are flowing through me and accumulating in the water!”
You can imagine and visualize the kind of energy you want to receive with it: A bottle of rejuvenation water, a bottle of healing water and whatever else comes to mind. Feel this divine power flowing from your hands. Take your time. You will know when you can withdraw your hands. Then cover the bottle with a white cotton cloth. This protects it from negative energies.
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As with everything that has to do with magic, you must not tell anyone what you are doing.
If your thoughts are good and benign, they come from God. Don't forget that suggestion (mental and emotional influence) is the beginning of everything. Don't accept any negative suggestion at first. If unwanted thoughts manifest, send them away. With emphasis and full concentration.
So: relax before the ritual, expect nothing... let it happen.
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PS: No one is born a master. You have to learn and practice before you can do something particularly well. It takes time and patience to become a master in a field. However, it may happen faster than expected ;-)
Good luck... have fun... enjoy... and may the exercise be a success!
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