Few people know that baking soda can be an effective remedy. In the past, natural baking soda was prescribed for various ailments, and for several years now it has been a successful component of some alternative cancer therapies. However, it must be 100% pure, completely additive-free sodium hydrogen carbonate. Conventional baking soda contains additives such as acidifiers that contain phosphates.

It must not contain aluminum or phosphate!

Soon, people recognized the cleansing and detoxifying properties and the ability to quickly make flu and cold symptoms, as well as chronic illnesses, disappear. People who suffer from poor health and are prone to illnesses of all kinds are usually acidotic, that is, the pH values of their tissues are low.

If you take alkaline baking soda, the excess acids can be neutralized and the body pH values rise again. Baking soda is alkaline and therefore neutralizes acids. By balancing the pH, it calms and protects the body. Due to its high pH, it has an extremely cleansing effect. When exposed to water and heat, it releases CO2 (gas), increases the O2 (oxygen) content and has an expectorant effect.

Internal use

For general health maintenance: 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water in the morning and at night. If you notice excessive gas formation in the intestines, reduce the dose. Taking it on an empty stomach quickly increases gastric acidity, i.e. creates better conditions for digestion. Dosage information varies because the user's pH level must be taken into account when determining the dosage.

The more acidity in the body, the more baking soda should be taken and the longer it should be taken. Important note: To mix the baking soda, you should only use a spoon made of wood or plastic: never a spoon or fork made of metal!

Examples of use

In general, it can be used to promote health, in the treatment of cancer, kidney disease and, to a large extent, in the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. It has been used in chemotherapy for decades and is commonly used in emergency rooms and intensive care units around the world.

It is a first-class anti-fungal agent and can dramatically slow down the process of chronic kidney disease.

Acne: Exfoliation with baking soda > mix baking soda and body-warm water to a pulp. Apply immediately and gently caress the skin very gently for two to three minutes at most using circular motions. Then wash off thoroughly and treat as usual.

Anti-aging = rejuvenating effect: 50 to 100 grams of baking soda added to a full bath has a refreshing effect and stimulates blood circulation. It makes the skin smooth and soft.

Belching: a pinch of baking soda dissolved in water helps people who constantly had to belch after eating foods that are difficult to digest.

Bronchitis: inhaling a solution of baking soda and water has an expectorant effect and can provide quick relief.

Candida fungi & cancer cells: Dr. Marc Sircus found that candida infections, including cancer cells, can be destroyed with baking soda. Candida fungi (and other fungi) and cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline and oxygen-rich environment. Taking baking soda increases the patient's pH value, thus supplying his or her organism with oxygen and simultaneously declaring war on the pests in the body. Dr. Marc Sircus explains how to use baking soda as the cheapest, safest and perhaps most effective cancer treatment ever!

Deodorants are unnecessary if you put baking soda in your armpits or spray yourself with a baking soda solution.

Energy drink: stir 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cane molasses or maple syrup or agave juice or honey, to taste, into 1/4 liter of well-warmed water and drink in sips between meals. Note: Do not drink later than 3:00 p.m. if you have trouble falling asleep.

Flu and colds: mix half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon with water and drink this solution several times a day over a few days.

Skin: by washing regularly with a baking soda solution, you cleanse your skin and oxygenate it. You can get smooth and wonderfully soft skin. A positive side effect is that the body is also supplied with oxygen through the treatment of the skin.

Insect bites: a paste of baking soda and water applied to the area can help relieve pain, itching and swelling.

Tooth decay and bad breath: can be inhibited by mouthwashes containing baking soda.

Cancer tumors: Researchers in conventional medicine recently discovered that baking soda, or rather the bicarbonate it contains, can specifically soften cancer tumors. As a result, a significantly lower dose of chemotherapy or radiation can achieve much faster results.

Metabolic acidosis: is a metabolic condition characterized by excess acid in the blood and body. With the help of baking soda therapy, this can be alleviated and even cured.

Tired and aching feet: perk up with a baking soda foot bath. Add 3 heaped teaspoons of baking soda to 10 liters of warm water and soak your feet for a quarter of an hour.

Sweaty feet: Sprinkle a little baking soda into your socks and shoes every day. Baking soda prevents the acid reaction of sweat and binds the unpleasant odor. Regular foot baths also help.

Kidney disease (acute and chronic): Protection of the kidneys and other tissues through the protective, buffering and neutralizing properties of baking soda.

Heartburn: If you regularly drink a baking soda energy drink, this problem may go away on its own. Otherwise, a baking soda and lemon water mix might help. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and a generous squeeze of real lemon with 1/4 liter of water. Note: Do not take too much baking soda at once, especially not immediately before and after eating. The stomach acid could be neutralized and thus hinder digestion.

Sunburn: Soak a T-shirt in a baking soda and water solution and put it on while it is still wet. This will quickly relieve the pain.

Acidosis / obesity: no acidosis, no obesity! If the body is acidic, it has too little oxygen. Waste products and unusable food cannot be removed. They are stored temporarily and then stored in the fat layer. An acidic body = a fat body = obesity. Drinking a baking soda energy drink regularly gives acids and fat no chance.

Sensitive people who catch every virus are overacidified from experience. If they took baking soda, their acids would be neutralized, the pH values in the body would rise and the organism would receive more oxygen. The waste products could be removed and the people would get healthy.

Toothpaste/bleaching agent: Baking soda was often used to brush the teeth, which led to bright white teeth in no time. However, this tip is only advisable for people with really perfect tooth enamel, as baking soda could attack the enamel under certain circumstances and could intensify enamel defects.

When higher doses of baking soda are used for cancer treatments (100-500g is recommended for a full bath), you should take a week off to prevent the body from becoming too alkaline and getting too much carbon dioxide (which can lead to heart and breathing problems). It can be injected intravenously in an emergency and taken orally as a drink as a home remedy.

The best method is to take it as a drink and combine it with transdermal absorption. If you want to use it with the greatest possible success against cancer, kidney disease, asthma and diabetes, you should always use it together with magnesium chloride.

Baking soda and magnesium chloride in combination provide the ultimate mitochondria cocktail. This combination increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and lungs (when drunk or inhaled).

The mitochondrion is an organelle enclosed by a double membrane with its own genetic material. Mitochondria are found in the cells of almost all eukaryotes. They do not occur in prokaryotes. Mitochondria function, among other things, as “energy power plants” by producing the energy-rich molecule adenosine triphosphate. In addition, they fulfill other essential functions for the cell; for example, they are involved in the formation of iron-sulfur clusters.

>• Vitamins & Co.

>• MSM
>• OPC
>• Magnesium
>• Magnesium chloride
>• Vitamin K2
>• Vitamin D3
>• Zeolite / Clinoptilolite
>• Baking soda


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