The incredible powers of high-dose vitamin D3

A vitamin D deficiency can cause the following health problems:

>• cancer...
>• asthma...
>• influenza...
>• hypertension...
>• type 2 diabetes...
>• atopic dermatitis...
>• rheumatoid arthritis...
>• hair loss, tooth decay...
>• inflammatory bowel disease...

The pharmaceutical companies are trying by all means to keep the vitamin D levels of the population as low as possible.

In 1980, for example, major campaigns were launched to warn the population about the “dangers of the sun”: people were advised to avoid the sun between eleven o'clock and three o'clock, precisely when UVB rays are strongest and by far the most vitamin D is produced. During the winter months from October to March, the body cannot produce vitamin D. So vitamin D levels drop by twenty percent month by month during this time. This leads to the well-known winter ailments such as depression, flu, colds, etc.

Interesting fact: Studies show that vitamin D prevents 77% of all cancers.

Note: If possible, vitamin D3 should be taken together with vitamin K2 !

>• Vitamins & Co.

>• MSM
>• OPC
>• Magnesium
>• Magnesium chloride
>• Vitamin K2
>• Vitamin D3
>• Zeolite / Clinoptilolite
>• Baking soda


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