For a few years now, the volcanic rock zeolite has been making headlines. This is not really surprising when you consider that porous chalk made from volcanic ash has been used by Native Americans for centuries as an internal and external cleansing aid. According to them, the paste they make works like a sponge and absorbs “toxic waste” that has accumulated in the digestive tract.

The “healing earth” of the North American Indians mentioned “entangles” toxins in the intestinal tract, while crushed zeolite seems to be a quantum leap in medicine... because zeolite is, according to statements by many experts, zeolite is able to bind toxins, store them in the aforementioned “voids” of its crystal structure and remove them from the body through natural excretion (urine, stool, sweat).

The research group led by Professor Dr. Krešimir Pavelić has shown that zeolite normalizes the intestinal flora and the function of the immune system through its binding ability. The self-healing powers are activated and the colonization resistance of pathogenic germs is reduced. The often fatal effects of antibiotics can thus be neutralized.

The use of zeolite has been shown to be particularly effective for the following pathogenic conditions:

>• candida, heavy metal contamination ...
>• acidification of the body, osteoporosis ...
>• blood vessel system, neuropsychiatric effects ...
>• exposure to “free radicals”, infectious diseases ...
>• skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease ...
>• wounds and burns, kidney function, rheumatic diseases ...

Seen in this light, zeolite powder does something very simple in the case of latent acidosis: it binds protons (the cause of the hyperacidity) at the point of origin (in the gut) and prevents the body from becoming overacidified. This also neutralizes cancer cells, which, incidentally, are extremely acidic !

Radioactive contamination: Zeolite was already used on a large scale in 1986 after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to “disinfect” radioactively contaminated people. The following information, taken from scientific studies, is well known in certain circles:

>• Zeolite absorbs the radioactive isotope strontium 90 by 80% !!!
>• Zeolite absorbs the radioactive isotope cesium 137 up to 95% !!!

Even after the world's worst reactor accident at the end of March 1979 on a small peninsula in the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, zeolite was used to flush cesium and strontium out of the organism of the affected persons!!!

Internal use

1-3 grams of zeolite/clinoptilolite in 1 dl of water (a plastic or wooden spoon is better than a metal spoon), 1-2 times a day, if possible in the morning and evening, but if not otherwise possible, also during the day.

Do not take any medication for 30 minutes before or after taking the powder, as it could partially absorb it!

External use

>• for burns, open cuts, abrasions and other wounds, also for bedsores
>• skin diseases and skin blemishes, apply powder directly to the wound
>• cover with a plaster/gauze if necessary. Apply until the wound has healed
>• the antibacterial effect and the high oxygen content significantly accelerate wound healing

>• inflammation of the throat
>• for canker sores, over-irritated tongue (e.g. from hot spices)
>• apply powder to the affected area and keep it in your mouth for a while without saliva if possible

>• a little powder on the toothpaste improves tooth cleaning

>• for periodontitis, gently massage the powder into the gums, also as a prophylactic measure

>• in body ointments and face masks, the powder has an equally detoxifying and nourishing effect

>• Vitamins & Co.

>• MSM
>• OPC
>• Magnesium
>• Magnesium chloride
>• Vitamin K2
>• Vitamin D3
>• Zeolite / Clinoptilolite
>• Baking soda


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