In the old days, larch trees were said to have protective powers against witches. For this reason, larch trees were planted in front of many farmhouses as a “guard”. It was also believed that their protective canopy was home to forest fairies that were well-disposed towards humans. Larch wood is one of the heaviest and hardest types of European softwood and is therefore in high demand.


Protection - Courage - Luck - Fun - Kindness

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In which situations in life could a XALOS-DISC made with larch wood be useful?

>• to manifest small “miracles” ...
>• if I tend to get bogged down ...
>• can help to awaken your inner light ...
>• to protect myself from dark energies ...
>• can strengthen the mind and psyche ...

Below you will find the keywords in all four Swiss national languages:

Protezione - Coraggio - Felicità - Divertimento - Gentilezza
Protection - Courage - Chance - Plaisir - Gentillesse
Protecziun - Curaschi - Fortuna - Plaschair - Gentilezza
Schutz - Mut - Glück - Spass - Freundlichkeit

>• order a XALOS-DISC in larch wood

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