Quod diu tandem fit bonum capit … or, in English: “All good things are worth waiting for.”

A saying that perfectly suits olive wood, because the olive tree takes a long time to grow but can live for several hundred years. Another interesting fact is that the olive tree is an evergreen. From an energetic point of view, it can be assumed that the theme of “life and survival” is one of the main characteristics of this wonderful wood.


Peace - Wisdom - Trust - Prosperity - Gratitude

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In which situations in life could a XALOS-DISC made with olive tree wood be useful?

>• strengthens your self-belief ...
>• can awaken dormant potential ...
>• helps you to get back on your feet ...
>• for those who tend to be impatient ...
>• helps you to become more persistent ...

Below you will find the keywords in all four Swiss national languages:

Saggezza - Pace - Fiducia - Prosperità - Amicizia
Sagesse - Paix - Confiance - Prospérité - Amitié
Sabientscha - Pasch - Confidenza - Prosperitad - Amicizia
Weisheit - Frieden - Vertrauen - Wohlstand - Freundschaft

>• order a XALOS-DISC in olive tree wood

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